Analysts from Research and Markets conducted a nearly 100-page study, according to which the Bitcoin technology market should grow by up to 8.3% (CAGR) in the years 2021-2026.

At the outset, the study draws attention to why Bitcoin is sought after with potential for future growth.

Important features include zero inflation risk, which makes BTC a trend investment. By eliminating the fact that Bitcoin is not emitted and supply is limited, the threat of inflation is eliminated and thus falls to zero.

Analysts therefore argue that it is this feature that forces buyers and sellers to enter this market, which causes the user base to increase.

In terms of demographic distribution, which region has the potential to be the fastest growing in Bitcoin mining, North America is still a clear favorite here. The study adds that  companies offering bitcoin or other types of crypto services, not just mining, are already expanding in this region.

If we look at the country with the highest number of Bitcoin ATMs, there are clear winners of the US with the number of 18887, followed by Canada 1523 (at time of writing).