The GrainChain Blockchain Platform for Agricultural Business announces plans to expand its business globally by moving to Symbiont Assembly’s new enterprise blockchain platform.
Assembly offers the robust privacy features, seamless scalability that are essential to meet the requirements of all agro markets.

GrainChain is currently operating in Mexico, Texas and Honduras, and it is soon planned to expand its activities to other countries where there are agricultural economies that technology can help.

Our mission has always been to help support farmers around the world,
By pulling the agriculture supply chain onto blockchain technology, we’re helping every participant in that ecosystem — from farmers to bankers to grain elevators — get fairer value, faster payment and a bigger participant pool. We cannot be constrained by technology — which is why we moved to the Symbiont network. Symbiont is the blockchain engine that will help power our global vision.” said Luis Macias, Chief Executive and Founder of GrainChain.

The main impulse for the migration to the Symbiont network was to offer improved platform performance and sufficient protection of personal data, which ultimately makes it possible to increase the number of farmers who want to join the platform.

GrainChain boasts and currently works with more than 20 different commodities and that’s not the end.

GrainChain’s mission to empower farmers is one that we truly believe in,
The Symbiont platform was purpose-built for this kind of global scale. Around the world, the agricultural supply chain is plagued by inefficiency and lack of digitization, which is keeping money out of farmers’ pockets. It’s time we change that.” said Daniel Truque from Symbiont’s Alternative Assets team.

SOURCE: Symbiont