China registered more than 10,000+ newly established blockchain companies in 2020, which is more than the total number in 2017.

The LongHash data platform, which focuses mainly on Asian markets, provides statistics focused on blockchain companies in China.

One of the most interesting findings is the fact that in 2020 more than 10,000 Blockchain companies were newly created and that is only August. This means that we have already overtaken the year 2017 in total and it is possible that we will overtake the year 2019 as well.

COVID19 did not slow down China’s Blockchain BOOM

In China currently operate 29,340 blockchain companies and 84,410 are already legally registered.

As for the registered capital of the companies, 46.42% most of them are in the category ¥0 – 5000 , 26.4% have capital in the range of ¥10 000 – 50 000, 18% have ¥5000 – 10 000 and 9.18% have more than ¥50 000.

Read also: China is responsible for 50% of Bitcoin’s mining

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