One of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges once again exploring new digital assets and considering listing.

New Digital Assets

Coinbase writes on its official blog that the company’s goal is to provide support for all assets, which they meet technical standards and comply with applicable laws.

Coinbase stated:

Over time we expect our customers around the world will have access through Coinbase platforms to at least 90% of the aggregate market cap of all digital assets in circulation.

New assets under review include:

  • Ampleforth, Band Protocol, Balancer, Blockstack, Curve,, Flexacoin, Helium, Hedera Hashgraph, Kava, Melon, Ocean Protocol, Paxos Gold, Reserve Rights, tBTC, The Graph, THETA, UMA, and WBTC

The company also adds that the cryptocurrencies mentoined above must run over thorough technical inspection and be subject to regulatory approval in some jurisdiction. This means that Coinbase cannot yet guarantee a specific launch date and and confirm the listing on exchange but the exploring itself has already begun.

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