Former Congressman Ron Paul, who was a guest in an interview for Kitco News, is one of the latest political figures to express his views on Bitcoin.

Ronald Ernest Paul, also known to many as a critic of the federal government, is convinced that Bitcoin is a form of money and he has added several observations.

Right now, if you buy and sell gold, you get it taxed, they can do that. If you make a profit in Bitcoin, you read stories about people being taxed on it. You can't tax money, you don't tax it. If you bought a dollar a year ago and it went down 10%, you can't take a loss because your dollar lost value, Ron Paul

But that was not all, even more surprising is R. Paul's attitude to government interventions, which always try to suppress new and alternative forms of money.

I will argue more the case for the legalization of freedom of choice and the people should make a decision, not the government, --- And the market will finally determine that my goal is to help legalize the competition. And I think the people will sort it out, freedom of choice will sort it out. Ron Paul

Based on these words, R. Paul captured almost exactly the essence of why Bitcoin originated and that BTC should be the currency of the people and not the government or centralized banks.