• The Canadian publicly traded bitcoin mining company, Hut 8 Mining, has published a report confirming that it holds the most mined BTCs among publicly traded mining companies.

Hut 8 Mining Corp. informed about it through its twitter account where it published a chart comparing several publicly traded mining companies, including Riot Blockchain, HIVE or Argo Blockchain and Bitfarms.

In this chart you can see how many Bitcoins actually these companies HODL vs. Market Cap. In this case, Hut 8 is a true representative of all hodlers, as it currently holds 3012 Bitcoins, which is worth almost $ 150m.

The company also announced that it has a 4% yield on 1,000 of these 3,012 Bitcoins, thus fulfilling its plans to increase and diversify the revenue stream and which is also reflected in the growth in value of the company that will please all shareholders.

Read also: Covid-19 accelerated innovation in the Fintech area and Bitcoin is only an “economic side show,” says JPMorgan

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