Several experts in Asia agree that companies will shift more and more investment to technology Blockchain aimed at increasing data security and safety, informs Nikkei Asian.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a test for several companies, and most of them were forced to trade online. However, the result was not only the digitization of companies but also more frequent attacks by hackers.

Tomohiro Maruyama, senior manager of PwC Consulting, said:

more companies should adopt Blockchain after the pandemic.

As we informed you in a recent article, “China has more than 84K Blockchain companies and the number is still growing” and in 2020 it already registered more than 10,000 newly established blockchain companies.

There is also research available from The Business Research Company, which claims that the blockchain market will reach $ 15.88 billion in 2023.

Tomohiro Maruyama goes on to say:

Internet piracy has posed a major challenge for companies as they look to digitize operations, given the ease of counterfeiting digital documents compared with paper versions.

Blockchain emerged as a solution for fighting digital counterfeits, pushing businesses to adopt the technology.

One of the companies that helps implement the blockchain is also LasTrust and Kenta Akutsu, CEO says:

We’ve received lots of inquiries since the coronavirus outbreak,

LasTrust launched a blockchain service in September that offers digital certifications for universities. Called CloudCerts, the service provides academic transcripts and expected graduation diplomas for college seniors looking for jobs.

Even before the outbreak, universities were looking to digitize, but the pandemic forced them to move quickly,

Another industry that is interested in blockchain is the Gastro industry, and restaurants in Japan already offer digital coupons. They are helped by Nihon Unisys, which provides digital coupons for more than 600 companies.

Read also: One of the Largest Banks in South Korea wants to advance in the Digital Asset market

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