Glassnode, a company focused on the on-chain market analysis informs about record returns for ethereum miners.

As we informed you in a recent article, cryptocurrency Ethereum achieves great results and surpasses $ 300 after a long time. However, miners, who achieve historically highest rewards, also have reason to rejoice.

The following data from Glassnode emphasize the complexity and the rate of hashing in the mining activity.

As you can see, the hash rate is significantly lower compared to the previous year, so miners can process more transactions with the same hardware.

The next graph already shows the value of the “Miner Revenue” and it shows how much revenue is generated through the fees charged for transactions in the Ethereum network.

Miners revenues reached the new ATH already at the beginning of this year and in the summer it got even higher several times.

Read also: ETH 2.0 testnet currently registers 213,888 ETHs

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