Monero announces further progress in the integration of CLSAG ring signature construction, which will be deployed on the mainnet in October.

A Private Digital Currency Monero will soon use CLSAG, which enables smaller and faster transactions with rigorous security. Monero has already completed a successful CLSAG audit and has also made its first testnet transaction these days.

What is CLSAG?

CLSAG is a replacement for the current MLSAG signer-ambiguous transaction protocol, which aims to increase efficiency. CLSAG achieves the same parameters as MLSAG signatures, but can do it much faster. It is assumed that it can reduce the size of the transaction by 25% as well as improve verification performance by 20%. The new ring signature construction also improves security and CLSAG is a proven secure in a more robust security model.

The network update is scheduled in October of this year and each software should start automatically use CLSAG signatures when it is completed. Monero assures that this will be a smooth change and recommends that those who use hardware wallets be constantly updated.

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