According to current reports, the largest online forum, Reddit, has launched a beta test for two tokens that are created on the ethereum network called ‘MOONS‘ and ‘BRICKS‘. The purpose of these tokens is to provide rewards to forum users who are active and contribute quality content.

A Reddit spokesman said:
We continuously run experiments to explore features that engage our users and communities. With Community Points, we’re working exclusively with two communities to test this feature and gather feedback from our users,

According to information, Reddit has also created a new page called “Vault” which will be used to manage these tokens and guide users. The goal is to securely view your tokens and also the ability to use them to purchase reddit points.

The tokens will be intended for two subreddits, r / CryptoCurrency, which has over 1 M members, and r / FortNiteBR, which has 1.3 M members.

Members will be able to use tokens for voting, rewards for content creators or the transfer of funds. You will also assess the creditworthiness of a particular contributor based on the balance of the tokens.

Reddit also informs:

Community Points are currently in beta (through summer 2020). During that time, they will be on the Rinkeby testnet, and balances, transactions, and memberships may be reset,” the Vault page explains. “After the feature leaves beta, Community Points will be migrated to the Ethereum mainnet. Points balances will be carried over (though will need to be reclaimed).

According to a report from Golden Finance, Reddit had more than 1.3 billion unique visitors in February 2020 and an active number of 430 million.
