According to the ranking, which monitors trading volume on all crypto exchanges, the first place belongs to stable digital currency, Tether (USDT).

Recent statistics confirm that most transactions are made through the stable digital currency, Tether (USDT), and it seems that the once criticized Tether (artificial printing and manipulation) is now gaining more and more confidence.

When we look at the 24 hour volume rankings, on the first three places it looks like this:

Tether dominates first place with 38,01%, which is significantly more than Bitcoin, which is in second place with 21.42% and Ethereum with 13.04% in third. (At the time of writing, this article)

Monthly volume rankings in the sign of Tether and again with a high lead before Bitcoin and Ethereum:

Tether recorded a 30-day volume of $ 1 043 597 381 953 , Bitcoin $ 664 625 881 958 and Ethereum $ 347 270 996 286. (At the time of writing, this article)

One of the main reasons why Tether is the most used cryptocurrency is also the fact that Tether is for traders “safe harbor”, and they can use him at a time when is high volatility in other crypto markets.

Read also: Swiss Stablecoin is tested by the largest online shop in the country

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