According to the latest findings, the KuCoin hacker has already started working on how to get his catch and turn it into cash.

Today, Larry Cermak was the first to notice an unusual transaction made by a hacker who had only recently attacked KuCoin and brings some interesting findings.

The hacker chose the tactic of mixing Ethereum through 100 ETH batches on Tornado cash and has so far sent around 3000 ETH (~ $ 1.25M).

The image above is clear evidence of how he proceeded and how much ETH has been sent to Tornado Cash so far. The hacker had about $ 4.8M on this wallet and currently it is only ~ $ 3.5M which corresponds to an approximate value of the transferred ETHs.

According to Larry, this is not the first time Hacker has used Tornado cash, but it is the first time he has done it from a public address.

Larry also briefly explained the hacker’s actions:

  1. Steal all ERC-20 tokens from KuCoin
  2. Convert the permissionless ones to ETH using Uniswap (and sometimes Kyber)
  3. Disperse the ETH to multiple addresses
  4. Start using Tornado cash to mix the amounts and then likely cash-out

Several people joined  this heated debate, questioning the move, and Larry Cermak also acknowledged that there was a high probability that he would be caught if he continued like this.

Read also: Bitcoin markets are constantly facing various types of manipulation

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