A new survey in Brazil by C6 and APEC has found that crypto awareness is increasing, especially among higher-earning individuals. The poll was conducted in July on 2,000 individuals from all over the country.

84% of the individuals who took the survey said they were familiar with crypto and crypto assets. Almost a quarter showed interest in investing somewhere in the future and less than a third said that they were not sure of their opinion.

Some have already tried out crypto, although there were different results. Many showed hesitation and almost 20% said they were uncertain about crypto and would never make an investment.

Most of the individuals who said that they bought crypto were male and between the ages between 25 and 44. This shows the lack of information for the older generation and women. 20% of the women surveyed said that they didn't know what crypto was, whereas, with the men, this was only 14%.

Awareness of crypto is slowly spreading to all the reaches of the earth. Many consider this a very good thing as they see crypto as our most probable future, or at least they see crypto playing a big role in it.