Celsius sent an email to its customers, making them aware of leaked data at a third-party breach by one of their employees as confirmed by their official Twitter account. The employee was from the messaging platform Customer.io.

The company wrote in the email: "We were recently informed by our vendor Customer.io that one of their employees accessed a list of Celsius client email addresses." However, they said that they wanted their customers to "be aware" and that it did not "present any high risks to [their] clients."

The crypto society has warned Celsius users to keep watch for phishing attacks that usually happen after such an event. Celsius has not disclosed the number of emails leaked or where they were leaked.

Phishing is a scam practice where emails are sent to individuals to lure them into disclosing sensitive or personal data. It can also be a link that sends the individual to a malicious website that installs a virus to steal or mine crypto.

Individuals should watch out for more Celsius news and Celsius users should make sure that they protect their crypto earnings and not respond to scam emails.