Crypto regulation says Aloha, as Two Hawaii State Blockchain committees have shown their support for defining a new legislature for digital assets in the Central Pacific state. The state has been confirmed to be planning the creation of a specialized task force that will examine cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology as such.

The new legislature shall touch on two important aspects, namely Commerce and Consumer Protection (CPN) and Ways and Means (WAM). It is supposed to closely examine regulation, supervision, and possible uses of blockchain technology.

The committee is soon set to produce “a roadmap to boost blockchain usage in both the private and public sectors.” It will have time until 2023 to collect its findings before submitting a proposal to the House of Representatives.

The task force is going to be composed of eleven governor-nominated people, among which you should find representatives from cryptocurrency organizations, such as exchanges, blockchain payments solution firms, or digital assets associations.

With the Aloha state joining the crypto initiative, 37 US states are currently examining their possibilities when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Judging by the latest trends, we can only expect this number to grow.