In just a few weeks, the Ethereum 2.0 testnet grew to a record 76GB.

Testnet Ethereum 2.0 has only been running for a few weeks and has reached more than 20% of the size of the BTC Blockchain, which has been processing data for a decade.

This information came from the experts from trustnodes, who also published a graph from October 3 where the exact value of 76.7150 GB is measured.

Just for comparison, Bitcoin has processed 350GB data since its inception in 2009, the Ethereum 2.0 testnet, which currently lasts only 2 months, has now 76GB.

However, let’s look at the other cryptocurrencies and their size:

Ethereum managed to overtake Bitcoin in just four years and reached almost 450GB, Bitcoin Cash since 2009 reached 177.99 GB. Cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin, Monero and Dogecoin have a Blockchain size of around 50GB throughout their existence.

It should also be noted that the ETH 2.0 testnet is an archive node that maintains the state at each change, a full node can reconstruct the state with data it already owns. However, if this speed continues during startup and for the next few months, it would mean an average size of 500GB per year.

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