The cryptocurrency Worldcoin project faces more trouble as the Kenyan government has announced the establishment of a 15-member parliamentary committee to investigate the controversial project.

According to the local media, the committee will be led by the member of Parliament for Narok West, Gabriel Tongoyo. The investigation into the project has 42 days to undertake the task and to present its findings to the House.

As the committee launched, Interior Minister Kindiki Kinthure and ICT Minister Eliud Owalo are expected to appear for the second time this week in the Parliament to discuss the WorldCoin project.

The WorldCoin registration drive was originally held at KICC but was halted due to security concerns. Kindiki noted that the government was concerned about WorldCoin’s activities in registering citizens through the collection of iris data.

Moreover, the court has taken steps to halt the company operations pending the determination of a case filed by the Office of the Data Commissioner. Justice Nixon Sifuna has issued an order to preserve data collected by WorldCoin from April last year to August 2023.