Milo Credit, a business dealing with crypto mortgages, has a solution for dealing with finance for crypto users that are not connected through regular finance. They have stated that crypto mortgages have brought $10m in loans in the USA alone.

Milo Credit makes it simple to buy property using digital assets because it connects the two, their product is the first of its kind. Josip Rupena, CEO of Milo, says:

"The success of our crypto mortgage over the past few months serves as a testament to our ability to pioneer and create a unique solution for the crypto community. We have incredible momentum and see a fundamental need to help individuals diversify their wealth to generate real-world yield through real estate."

The clients assure their crypto with organized and protected companies such as Gemini and Coinbase and pay the full price with no deposit. Francis Suarez, the Miami Mayor, said:

"Bridging the gap between traditional finance and crypto is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle to make cryptocurrency and blockchain more ubiquitous in our daily lives. With their mortgage product, Milo has already proven that the future of finance will serve to build wealth just like the financial tools of the past."

New solutions for crypto users are underway with Milo Credit and it seems to be working. They have already given out $10m in loans and seem to keep growing. We might soon be witness to lending cryptocurrencies becoming a norm.