The insurance company AXA, which operates in Switzerland, is aware of the accelerated digital transformation caused by the COVID pandemic and is coming up with a solution.

According to the official report, AXA has become the first all-lines insurer in Switzerland that allows its clients to pay their bills in Bitcoin. The new payment is available to all private clients from this month and one of the products for which it is possible to pay in BTC is premiums for all non-life products of AXA Insurance Ltd.

This is AXA’s response to growing demand from its customers for alternative payment solutions, with new technologies playing an ever greater role,

Claudia Bienentreu, Head of Open Innovation at AXA Switzerland 

For now, customers can make a Bitcoin payment on, where the reference number and amount are enough to make the transfer. The conversion of the Swiss franc is then taken care of by an automatic system running in the background.


AXA Switzerland adds that in the future, the possibility of paying by Bitcoin will also appear on bills sent by e-mail, but also that other payment options will be launched soon.

Read also: Republican Leader K. McCarthy does not want the US to lag behind and begin to understand Bitcoin