IOTA comes with an better version and interesting improvements that are part of the Chronicle.

Why did IOTA build the Chronicle?
The biggest advantage of Chronicle is that it allows anyone to store their transactions outside of Tangle, so they are available for as long as needed. All transactions will now be routed to a separate distributed database.
IOTA also expects there will be on the tangle more industrial use cases
Most important points include:
- Rust
The chronicle was transferred from the Erlang to Rust programming language.
- Ease of use
The chronicle comes with a CLI application.
- Flexibility
Advanced users can create their own solutions with the framework to customize.
Jake Cahill, Technical Writer at the IOTA Foundation, at the end of the blog he adds that Chonicle is an open source project and anyone can get involved and contact the team.
Read also: IOTA joins ENSURESEC, an EU-funded innovation project
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