U.N. experts have issued a report claiming that North Korea is conducting regular cyber attacks to steal virtual assets.

After the Security Council imposed more severe sanctions on North Korea, the country decided to finance the development of nuclear weapons from stolen cryptocurrencies. This shocking fact was reported today by The Associated Press, which refers to a report from U.N. experts, addressed to Security Council members.
The report states that the investigation revealed that hackers linked to North Korea had carried out several operations against financial institutions and virtual currency exchanges. The aim of these activities was to generate money to support the development of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.
The Associated Pres also stated:
total theft of virtual assets from 2019 to November 2020 is valued at approximately $316.4 million,
The result of the investigation by the Security Council was to obtain specific names from experts of the four North Korean men on whom they can apply sanctions, namely Choe Song Chol, Im Song Sun, Pak Hwa Song, and Hwang Kil Su.
Read also: Nigeria’s Central Bank begins a tough fight against cryptocurrencies