Discord, a popular platform for the online gaming community, seems to be heading in the crypto direction. The news comes from a cryptic tweet from the platform’s CEO, Jason Citron.
probably nothing pic.twitter.com/p4P6MoNGgd
— Jason Citron (@jasoncitron) November 8, 2021
The tweet includes a picture of a particular part of the user interface where you can connect your account to other platforms. What is peculiar about this picture, however, is the Ethereum symbol in the center of it, with the MetaMask and WalletConnect icons below.
Citron’s tweet’s caption just states “probably nothing,” which further deepens this mystery and sends the community spiraling in anticipation.
As we are awaiting further confirmation, the somewhat lukewarm Twitter reactions suggest that the general opinion is divided on the subject matter at hand. While the platform might benefit from more possibilities, some users think that it is not ready for such a step.
The community is worried that Discord lacks proper security to integrate crypto. Moreover, Ethereum’s high transaction fees seem a little inconvenient rather than useful.
All in all, amongst all this turmoil we have to remember that nothing has officially been confirmed yet and, hopefully, we might get some further information soon.